
Welcome to the first WRMSDC Business Remixer

Date & Time

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
2:00PM – 4:30PM PT


Harmonic Brewing
7 Warriors Way San Francisco

Light Refreshments Provided

What makes a Business ReMixer different?

This is your chance to step away from the usual format and engage in genuine, solutions-focused conversations with fellow professionals and community leaders.

Let’s build solutions together because this is where Innovation Meets Action.



If you don't know how to use the discount code, please email events@wrmsdc.org for help!
DO NOT purchase a ticket and ask for a refund, as we will not be able to accommodate you.
Tickets are discounted for MBEs and Inclusive Suppliers thanks to the Generosity of our Make a Difference Supporters!
$50.00 - Enter Promo Code: IS-CD25 for 50% OFF

$100.00 - Enter Promo Code: CRP-CD25 for $25 OFF


Event Supporters

Make A Difference Supporters

Due to the generosity of our Make a Difference Supporters, this event is discounted for MBEs and inclusive businesses.


WRMSDC supports the growth and welfare of minority communities by championing the use of minority-owned businesses in Northern California, Nevada, and Hawai‘i. Our parent organization, the National Minority Supplier Development Council, helps over 12,000 minority businesses connect with major Fortune 500 corporations and their buyers every year. Please visit us online at www.wrmsdc.org.

WRMSDC Headquarters

80 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621
Please contact ariana@wrmsdc.org
for questions about the event.

Contact Us

(510) 686-2555