Empower Your Legacy: Thriving Minority Business Opportunities for Athletes

Welcome Minority Professional Athletes!

Explore a New Horizon: Business Ownership for Today’s Champions

As elite players in your respective fields, you’ve demonstrated resilience, discipline, and leadership. Now, envision yourself as the owner of a thriving minority business. The Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council is thrilled to present an exclusive opportunity for active and retired minority professional athletes: take the helm of an existing and successful minority-owned business.


Why Buy an Existing and Thriving Minority Business?

  • Instant Impact: Acquiring a successful minority business allows you to make an immediate and positive impact on the community and industry.
  • Proven Track Record: These businesses have a history of success, established customer bases, and operational frameworks, reducing the challenges associated with starting from scratch.
  • Community Connection: By purchasing an existing minority business, you become an integral part of the community, contributing to its economic growth and sustainability.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: As a minority athlete, owning a minority business reinforces the principles of diversity and inclusion, setting an example for the next generation.


Special Features of Our Program:

  • Tailored Training: Access specialized development training designed to bridge the transition from professional sports to business ownership.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Benefit from mentorship programs connecting you with experienced minority business leaders who can guide you in your new venture.


Why This Opportunity for Athletes?

  • Skill Transference: Your skills in teamwork, discipline, and leadership acquired on the field seamlessly translate to success in the business arena.
  • Legacy Building: Establish a legacy beyond your athletic career by becoming a business owner, creating opportunities for yourself and future generations.
  • Financial Diversification: Owning a business provides an avenue for financial diversification and long-term stability.


Ready to Make the Leap?

Sign up now to receive additional information and be part of a groundbreaking initiative that propels your career beyond the game.


Sign Up Now to Explore Business Ownership!

Connect With Us:

If you have any inquiries or need more details, reach out to us at Your journey to entrepreneurship begins here!


Empower Your Legacy, On and Off the Field or Court!