Questions & Answers

Certification Application

Questions about the Certification Application

Why does WRMSDC ask for so many documents and require that applicants complete such a lengthy application form?


All requested documents and application questions are designed to assist WRMSDC in confirming the following:

  • An ethnic minority owns at least 51% of the firm and is a US citizen.
  • The company applying for certification has an office physically headquartered in Northern California, Nevada, or Hawai‘i and is authorized to do business in its state.
  • The ethnic minority owner is involved in the day-to-day business and has the appropriate title(s).
  • The ethnic minority is in control of the business (control must be real and absolute).

We are not affiliated with any firms that offer this service. However, if you have questions about the application or its required documents, our certification team is available to assist you via email at Additionally, be sure to leverage all available business resources, such as your firm’s legal and accounting teams, your Board of Directors or Board of Managers (if applicable), Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), and the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) offices.

WRMSDC does not offer expediting services. The best way to ensure a fast application is to understand the application process and provide all necessary materials in the first submission. In order to expedite your certification, WRMSDC suggests that you evaluate your needs before you begin the application process. We offer a pre-certification webinar every month and the certification team is available to answer questions via email at

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) groups establishments into industry sectors based on the activities in which they are primarily engaged. The NAICS is a comprehensive system covering the entire field of economic activities, producing and non-producing. This system replaced the former Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) designations and is utilized by Corporate America, as well as local, state, and federal government entities. During the WRMSDC certification process, you will be required to identify your company’s NAICS designation code(s), as major corporations use them to identify certified MBEs and potential suppliers. If the NAICS codes you select are not precise, your company may not come up when Corporate Members search for suppliers in your industry; this could lead to missed business opportunities.


You may locate the NAICS code online at

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